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Sarcoma Research

Clinical Trial Paper Published in Prestigious AACR Journal

Posted by Paula Takacs Foundation

The Clinical Trial

The Paula Takacs Foundation provided funding for the Phase II clinical trial of pembrolizumab in combination with doxorubicin in metastatic and unresectable soft tissue sarcoma at Levine Cancer Institute, enrolling 30 patients between 2017 and 2019. The paper was honorarily presented at American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Virtual Meeting in May 2020 and has recently been accepted for publication by the American Association for Cancer Research’s Clinical Cancer Research journal. The OnlineFirst version was published on September 2, 2021. Access the Abstract.

Why So Important?

We are incredibly proud to have provided funding for this clinical trial. This study gave pediatric and adult patients and families in the Charlotte region access to a new and novel treatment option, keeping 30 patients and families from traveling great distances for care. It gave so many families the hope they need. In fact, the Objective Response Rate of enrolled patients was almost 37%, which is extremely significant for soft tissue sarcoma trials. And, in fact, there were even some exceptional, long-term responders.

The results of the study were encouraging to researchers and could result in a larger, randomized Phase 3 study of this kind.

Through funding this clinical trial, the Paula Takacs Foundation enabled new, local treatments that could help patients. The publication of the paper expands global hope as researchers around the world learn from this study at Levine Cancer Institute in Charlotte, NC.


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