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Sarcoma Research

One Family’s Cancer Cluster: How He Uncloaked the Culprit

Posted by Paula Takacs Foundation
cancer cluster family

Family cancer clusters are frightening and not well-studied. Frankly, it takes courage (and dollars to cover expenses not often covered by insurance) to delve into the world of familial genetics. We don’t always like what we find. And honestly, many questions cannot yet be answered until researchers can bear fruit from the droves of genetic data that medical technology is able to lay at their fingertips.

Here’s one man’s emotional journey about how he decided to honor all of the family members he had lost to cancer, by uncloaking the painful genetic truths. I too embarked on genetic counseling, at Levine Cancer Institute, to see whether I could find out more about my cancer-ridden family tree, thinking that perhaps I could help my daughters have a greater change of lifelong health. Although today there is no specific genetic testing profile for sarcomas, the data that is now part of my permanent file can be re-analyzed at any time in the future as genetic knowledge and correlations progress.

Susan Udelson ~ Executive Director, The Paula Takacs Foundation



Cancer killed my mother, brother, and sisters. As the longest-living member of my family, I was determined to understand why

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